Marple Local History Society

Marple, Marple Bridge, Mellor, Compstall, Strines, Hawk Green, Rose Hill, High Lane.

New printworks under construction for C.P.A at Strines.

About Strines

Heritage: The area known as Strines was in medieval times part of a large hunting forest - the Forest of the Peak - covering much of the Peak District and surrounding area. Eventually the more useful areas were taken over (assarted) by local families. Thus began the origins of the Strines Hall Estate.

Local Landscape: The River Goyt which winds through the Strines valley often changes from trickle to torrent. It is bounded by flat pastures giving way to a patchwork of fields and old dense woodland on the hills on either side.
The area is criss-crossed with footpaths, ancient roads and packhorse routes, an ideal area to observe wildlife.

Projects:The Strines Recreation Ground Charity has several ongoing projects and interests. From restoring the Dove Cote and the Clock Face, to an ongoing local history project.

Community: These also include general amenity improvements at the recreation ground and around the local area.

The Strines Community are frequently holding events at the Pavilion and recreation ground.There are a number of local groups, including Friends of Strines Station (F.O.S.S), the Church and even local singing and yoga groups.

Click Strines Information to find out more !


Marple Local History Society would like to thank Mark Whittaker for his indispensable help and contribution in designing and setting up this website, which he continues to host on behalf of the Society.

About the Society

The Society was formed in 1961, following almost a decade of interest in local history matters. Originally called The Marple Antiquarian Society, it changed its name to The Marple Local History Society in 1990. The Society is a Registered Charity, 500099.

Monthly meetings are held between September and April, several field trips are made each year. The society publishes a range of publications, has an active archive session on Thursday mornings, and organises occasional exhibitions.

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